miércoles, abril 27, 2005
martes, abril 26, 2005
Life Aquatic Finally Dammit!!!
Now Ive seen the movie that so many of my friends have heard me nag about.
Saw it finally with Giovanna together with a medium sized popcorn, coke, and two bags of Gott o Blandat Candy. The only feedback was from Giovanna off course - but the candy bags did emit some noise regardless of the movie.
Ok, what did i think? Lets start with Giovanna instead. She glanced at me like 100 times with this clueless expression on her face and hand gestures that translated into - this movie is weird I dont get it???
For myself: I appreciated the weirdness which translated into humor and a ''feel good' moment. I guess I would use the following metaphor - like looking through a kaleidoscope while being high on something.
The movie is good, but I would argue there are many things that could be improved. For those of you who have seen Napoleon Dynamite or Ghost World this movie will strike a similar cord. But I would argue that I prefer Napoleon Dynamite - its closer to the genuine feeling without the extra props and visual effects.
I admit that I will most definetly watch Life Aquatic more times, and probably will learn to like it more. Theres no arguing about the music being very cool. (e.g., see the image above, with the Zissou radio equipment, very cool =)
Post your comments on Life Aquatic, but please - dont hint or decribe any ending scenes since many of my friends have still not seen this cool movie (like Don Pascolico for example, hehe got you).
Saw it finally with Giovanna together with a medium sized popcorn, coke, and two bags of Gott o Blandat Candy. The only feedback was from Giovanna off course - but the candy bags did emit some noise regardless of the movie.
Ok, what did i think? Lets start with Giovanna instead. She glanced at me like 100 times with this clueless expression on her face and hand gestures that translated into - this movie is weird I dont get it???
For myself: I appreciated the weirdness which translated into humor and a ''feel good' moment. I guess I would use the following metaphor - like looking through a kaleidoscope while being high on something.
The movie is good, but I would argue there are many things that could be improved. For those of you who have seen Napoleon Dynamite or Ghost World this movie will strike a similar cord. But I would argue that I prefer Napoleon Dynamite - its closer to the genuine feeling without the extra props and visual effects.
I admit that I will most definetly watch Life Aquatic more times, and probably will learn to like it more. Theres no arguing about the music being very cool. (e.g., see the image above, with the Zissou radio equipment, very cool =)
Post your comments on Life Aquatic, but please - dont hint or decribe any ending scenes since many of my friends have still not seen this cool movie (like Don Pascolico for example, hehe got you).
Etiquetas: My thoughts
lunes, abril 25, 2005
Mega Party
That was one heck of a party!
4 frigging floors of partying:) And police cars outside (I counted 3, but others say 6 - double vision maybe???).
There were at least 5o people in each livingroom, outside i guess the same amount. Take that times 4 floors and all the people running up and down the stairs not able to get in. That amounts to at least 400+ students. Cool:)
Even though there were many people, most of them behaved. I met alot of friends and people i knew a bit - so it was a very nice party.
Other news: Its possible to post comments now, so post away - always cool with feedback.
4 frigging floors of partying:) And police cars outside (I counted 3, but others say 6 - double vision maybe???).
There were at least 5o people in each livingroom, outside i guess the same amount. Take that times 4 floors and all the people running up and down the stairs not able to get in. That amounts to at least 400+ students. Cool:)
Even though there were many people, most of them behaved. I met alot of friends and people i knew a bit - so it was a very nice party.
Other news: Its possible to post comments now, so post away - always cool with feedback.
viernes, abril 22, 2005
Baffled By A Smart Email
Its late, i know - yes yes ill go to bed soon.
Just recieved an email in response to my thesis work.
Its a very smart response from one of Intels design anthropologists:
I feel almost a bit embaressed. That I suggested a questionnaire when I know that in anthropology it equals to short sightedness - no texture, colour or context driven quality will be gathered from such a data-devoid method.
A short interview, is also suspiscious - its becomes constrained, which means 'aimed' or 'focus targeted'.
I should be happy he answered at all.
Just recieved an email in response to my thesis work.
Its a very smart response from one of Intels design anthropologists:
If you are using an questionnaire, then are you really doing
Sure send away.
Short interview is also fine depending on what time zone you are in and
what constitutes "short".
I feel almost a bit embaressed. That I suggested a questionnaire when I know that in anthropology it equals to short sightedness - no texture, colour or context driven quality will be gathered from such a data-devoid method.
A short interview, is also suspiscious - its becomes constrained, which means 'aimed' or 'focus targeted'.
I should be happy he answered at all.
jueves, abril 21, 2005
Trip To Paris 2005
Ok, Ive been to Paris and its been great!
Since Im short of time right now, writing my thesis paper and other stuff, Ill just post a link to the photos from that trip. Captions will follow, off course: Pictures from Paris trip are here
To sum it all up - its been a very interesting trip, with many things happening. Pavel, Pascal, Anndra and Meredith are the people who were partners in crime. I hope Meredith is feeling better now - all the best to you!
Here follows an trip description in Swedish I have sent in an email (too busy to translate it right now):
Since Im short of time right now, writing my thesis paper and other stuff, Ill just post a link to the photos from that trip. Captions will follow, off course: Pictures from Paris trip are here
To sum it all up - its been a very interesting trip, with many things happening. Pavel, Pascal, Anndra and Meredith are the people who were partners in crime. I hope Meredith is feeling better now - all the best to you!
Here follows an trip description in Swedish I have sent in an email (too busy to translate it right now):
- Dag 1) Fredag:-Anländer vid 10 tiden till Paris. Tar buss till Opera, det är entrevlig resa med bra utsikter - nästan som en 'citytour'.-Går runt i Paris, sitter i olika parker och läser, tar en kaffe ochäter olika ostar och dricker rött vin utanför ett kaffe vid champ deelysse(klassiskt parisiskt).-Träffar Pascal, Pavel, Meredith och Andra vid Port Melliot, Paris.-Vi åker hem till Pascal vid Ranelagh, centrala Paris och har en kväll där.
- Dag 2) Lördag:- Dagen börjar dåligt. Meredith har spytt hela kvällen och måttdåligt. Hon åker till sjukhus tillsammans med Pascal och Andra.- Jag åker med Pavel in till staden. Åker upp i Eiffel tornet medPavel. Går runt området, sätter oss i ett kaffe vid Trocadero närafloden.- På kvällen går vi på fest vid Place d'italie, centrala Paris. Därträffar vi Vincent, Benoit, Stephanie, Julien, Nabla som jag träffat iSverige. Vi har fest hela kvällen.
- Dag 3) Söndag:- Åker med Pavel in till staden. Vi hälsar på Meredith på sjukhuset,Notre Dame. Vi går runt lite i staden med Andra. Vi möter Pascal ochgår på en restaurang som Andra har hittat. Hon har varit där tidigare.Le Petit Pontoise, en helt otrolig middag.
- Dag 4) Måndag:-- Åker in till staden med Pavel. Pascal kan inte följa med, han harjobb intervjuver. Vi går runt Paris gator. Hamnar i Luxembourg parken,en otroligt vacker park. Ett gammalt Medici slott, som nu är musseumligger där. I den stora fontänen åker det runt små segelbåtar sombarnen kan låna av parken. Det är soligt och mycket folk, liknarcentral park.-Vi hälsar på Meredith på sjukhuset som har opererats, blindtarmsinflamation.-På kvällen åker vi in till montparnasse och hälsar på Nabla. Han ären sjysst homosexuell kille som bjuder på snacks och lite sprit, hanvill gärna fortsätta till The Queen, ett disco för transar o liknande.Vi följer inte med den här gången. Pavel och jag åker istället till Andras hotell och går på en restaurang vid St Michael. En trerättersmiddag för 15 euro :)-Jag sover över hos Stephanie och Julien.
- Dag 5) Tisdag:-Jag möter Pavel och Andra. Vi äter frukost och åker till la Fayette varushuset.- Medan Andra shoppar promenerar Pavel och jag Paris gator.-Vi tittar på varuhuset senare och går runt lite.-Vi hälsar på Meredith på sjukhuset där Pascal är. Jag säger adjö tillPascal och Meredith.-Vi går tillbaka till hotellet och jag hämtar min väska. Jag sägeradjö till Pavel och Andra.-Jag åker in till flygplatsen Charles de Gaulle. Åker hem tillStockholm vid kl19:30 tidenDet där va min resa, vädret va för det mesta underbart och jag hadejättekul. Saknar redan Paris - det är en otroligt vacker stad.
lunes, abril 11, 2005
When Too Much Happens
The weekend has passed. Its been filled with so many happenings, emotions, new people and life changing events.
Friday: Birthday party, radio pen gift, sushi, dance, dance,dance with friends that i cherrish alot. Later met Veronika, a lucid, semi-crazy, half mexican/swedish girl that I've met before and that I cant keep my eyes of. A whole night and almost morning at Pascals place, talking, sleeping, drinking...just living...
Saturday: The most international and interesting barbeque ever for me. I met new people and made new friends. The mexicans, the brazilians, the jamaicans, the swizz...together with us, Pascal, Chinji (brazilian/japanese) and me - very international. All this with brazilian folk music streaming out of Janainas room. Later, I follow Giovanna (brazilian/argentinian) to her place also in Lappis. The other brazilians meet up later. I meet Giovannas mother outside in her car, who I have met before - at a move in party at Annikas place! Shes very happy to see me and tells me jokingly ' dont hit on my daughter too much'. Hm, maybe I shouldnt, shes only 19. Besides, we are here to party. We have a pre party at Giovannas place, with brazilian and latin music. The brazilians are such nice people. We decide to continue the night in the city. Most people are tired or stuffed wth food from the grilling, and say goodbye. I end up going out with Giovanna and Janaina :). This night I understand why I miss Puerto Rico so much. These girls are very feminine - and I havent recieved so many compliments in my entire life as I did this night from these two girls, who enjoyed dancing, talking, flirting for the fun of it - without any suspicious power playing or reservation. To sum it all up: Its been a heck of a nice weekend. Sunday was a cool day also, taking it easy at home, fixing a table for the livingroom and soaking up some sunshine during the day.
Friday: Birthday party, radio pen gift, sushi, dance, dance,dance with friends that i cherrish alot. Later met Veronika, a lucid, semi-crazy, half mexican/swedish girl that I've met before and that I cant keep my eyes of. A whole night and almost morning at Pascals place, talking, sleeping, drinking...just living...
Saturday: The most international and interesting barbeque ever for me. I met new people and made new friends. The mexicans, the brazilians, the jamaicans, the swizz...together with us, Pascal, Chinji (brazilian/japanese) and me - very international. All this with brazilian folk music streaming out of Janainas room. Later, I follow Giovanna (brazilian/argentinian) to her place also in Lappis. The other brazilians meet up later. I meet Giovannas mother outside in her car, who I have met before - at a move in party at Annikas place! Shes very happy to see me and tells me jokingly ' dont hit on my daughter too much'. Hm, maybe I shouldnt, shes only 19. Besides, we are here to party. We have a pre party at Giovannas place, with brazilian and latin music. The brazilians are such nice people. We decide to continue the night in the city. Most people are tired or stuffed wth food from the grilling, and say goodbye. I end up going out with Giovanna and Janaina :). This night I understand why I miss Puerto Rico so much. These girls are very feminine - and I havent recieved so many compliments in my entire life as I did this night from these two girls, who enjoyed dancing, talking, flirting for the fun of it - without any suspicious power playing or reservation. To sum it all up: Its been a heck of a nice weekend. Sunday was a cool day also, taking it easy at home, fixing a table for the livingroom and soaking up some sunshine during the day.
Etiquetas: My thoughts
viernes, abril 08, 2005
A Cozy Refuge
Sitting at my favorite coffeespot at the university. At the same table as always, with a view of 'Gula Villan'(The yellow cabin/house) with the shrill petite shouts from the indonesian lady that works in the café while she greets buying students. I like that. I like the café, called Kafé 6 an- located at the very end of the social science building. At the table next to me are some guys reading Aristoteles and discussing ethics, semantics and epistomology. Outside my window the bushes are moving from a turbulent exterior - while Im sitting unmoved in a cozy cafeteria with my head full of theories about technological choices, 'primitive' architecture, Yanomamis, Bergers, and Lapps. A large coffe helping me in the process.
Etiquetas: My thoughts
jueves, abril 07, 2005
When Grown Ups get Harrassed by Children
On my way to work from the university.
2 minutes left until my train passes and im on the platform waiting.
Suddenly someone cries out 'I go first, you children stay close to me dammit!'
The platform is invaded by a hoard of tiny people, children armed with pokemon backpacks and lunchbags that they sway around like a propeller on a crashing plane.
A voice besides me:' Oh no! I hope those kids dont enter our part of the train'.
Well they did, and they filled our tram to the breaking point. Cartman look-alikes, cute kids, and annoying kids, happy kids, suspicious kids - all about 8-10 year olds who this day, this moment are labelled enemies of the 'high-paced-efficient' grownup society. It is sad, I think one should appreciate the playfullness and the sincerness of these kids - a pause from the monotony and the mundane, for a brief moment...and that means its not every day, so toughen up or grab a cab.
2 minutes left until my train passes and im on the platform waiting.
Suddenly someone cries out 'I go first, you children stay close to me dammit!'
The platform is invaded by a hoard of tiny people, children armed with pokemon backpacks and lunchbags that they sway around like a propeller on a crashing plane.
A voice besides me:' Oh no! I hope those kids dont enter our part of the train'.
Well they did, and they filled our tram to the breaking point. Cartman look-alikes, cute kids, and annoying kids, happy kids, suspicious kids - all about 8-10 year olds who this day, this moment are labelled enemies of the 'high-paced-efficient' grownup society. It is sad, I think one should appreciate the playfullness and the sincerness of these kids - a pause from the monotony and the mundane, for a brief moment...and that means its not every day, so toughen up or grab a cab.
Etiquetas: My thoughts
martes, abril 05, 2005
Spam Gone Wacko
Ok, take a look at this e-spam I got from some porn company :
Whats up? :)
Lesere I think you're meant to sprinkle salt on it... :)
Sain suuzh baigaaraiIt seems to be an appropriate way to say hello to OOP lovers :)
I've omitted the images (way, way, way, too explicit for any blog, even mine).
But really, what derranged people write this stuff and why???
Whats up? :)
Lesere I think you're meant to sprinkle salt on it... :)
Sain suuzh baigaaraiIt seems to be an appropriate way to say hello to OOP lovers :)
I've omitted the images (way, way, way, too explicit for any blog, even mine).
But really, what derranged people write this stuff and why???
lunes, abril 04, 2005
Two Drunkards and A Bottle of JD
3am, I recieve an sms from Reto.I read it later when Im eating breakfast, thinking for myself 'why the hell is Sussane swabbing the kitchen floor - she 'never-ever' does that???'Retos sms is a distress call saying that two bums are sleeping in our shared livingroom.I call Reto much later from work to confirm this. And yes its true. Two drunk guys had obviously been eating, watching TV, and later fallen asleep in our living room spilling Jack Daniels on the floor. Reto had just passed by around 3am too leave som food in the fridge he thought was going to get spoiled. His girlfriend called the domestic disturbance hotline that said that they would send guards (who maybe were busy but would come as soon as possible!?! - yea, like 1 hour later, doing what???).The guards recognized one of the drunkards and started interrogating him. They later noticed that the other one had left the corridor! Finally catching both of them they left the building....Nice, Ill sleep so much better now.
BTW I threw away all the plates, and utensils the slobbs used and tonight we are washing the covers of the couches.
Heres a pic that Reto so valiantly took (2 times! once with flash) - we still have the big crowbar they left in the corridor, it looks mean, very mean...
BTW I threw away all the plates, and utensils the slobbs used and tonight we are washing the covers of the couches.
Heres a pic that Reto so valiantly took (2 times! once with flash) - we still have the big crowbar they left in the corridor, it looks mean, very mean...
domingo, abril 03, 2005
Wheelman and Picknic
Today has been a beautiful day.
Pia, Laurent, Pascal, Sergio and I all went to Stora Skuggan for picknic, kubb (game), football and some frisbee playing. Alot of people were out, especially families with small children- playing and crying everywhere around us.
While playing football we heard the sound of a lawnmower, we thought. But it was a guy riding some kind of snowboard with wheels. He reached to answer his mobile when he suddenly fell on the grass. Nothing serious but it got our attention. Sergio asked what the machine was and if he could try it. 'Yes off course' was the answer 'its called the wheelman'. We had a great time watching Sergio trying to ride this strange machine - imported from Australia, we were told.
Its still sunny outside while im writing this. I guess I'll have a very hard time writing my thesis.
But summer is approaching...finally!!
Pia, Laurent, Pascal, Sergio and I all went to Stora Skuggan for picknic, kubb (game), football and some frisbee playing. Alot of people were out, especially families with small children- playing and crying everywhere around us.
While playing football we heard the sound of a lawnmower, we thought. But it was a guy riding some kind of snowboard with wheels. He reached to answer his mobile when he suddenly fell on the grass. Nothing serious but it got our attention. Sergio asked what the machine was and if he could try it. 'Yes off course' was the answer 'its called the wheelman'. We had a great time watching Sergio trying to ride this strange machine - imported from Australia, we were told.
Its still sunny outside while im writing this. I guess I'll have a very hard time writing my thesis.
But summer is approaching...finally!!
Death in June and This Thing Called Taste
Im listening to Death in June and remembering how a 'friend of a friend' told me that people either hate or love this singers voice. I dont hate the voice - cant say i love it.
Its Saturday night, and Im not out partying my ass off, why? Cause yesterday and today has been enough with partying and activities. Tonight is a night of sulking I guess. After recieving some very stupid sms:s' from ex gf's, listening to weird stories, and having derranged 'so-called friends' looking for me while I have been in town Im taking it easy tonight instead.
Its Saturday night, and Im not out partying my ass off, why? Cause yesterday and today has been enough with partying and activities. Tonight is a night of sulking I guess. After recieving some very stupid sms:s' from ex gf's, listening to weird stories, and having derranged 'so-called friends' looking for me while I have been in town Im taking it easy tonight instead.
Etiquetas: My thoughts
viernes, abril 01, 2005
Maybe I'll start recounting my own encounters
Friday Night, buhooooooo (suppose to be scary sound),
Just spoke to Don Pascólico, so I'll take my bottle of wine and show up at his place - alcobacken. Reto recounted a trip to Trondheim where he drank 90+% alcohol and before that managed to scare away a scizophrenic guy into the woods. Im Seriously thinking of blogging my own memories of similar encounters. But I have yet to meet a scizzo person. I will savour that moment as a milestone in my life - at the edge of sanity and hopefully back again, woo woo : )
Just spoke to Don Pascólico, so I'll take my bottle of wine and show up at his place - alcobacken. Reto recounted a trip to Trondheim where he drank 90+% alcohol and before that managed to scare away a scizophrenic guy into the woods. Im Seriously thinking of blogging my own memories of similar encounters. But I have yet to meet a scizzo person. I will savour that moment as a milestone in my life - at the edge of sanity and hopefully back again, woo woo : )
Etiquetas: My thoughts
Sunny Friday Im In Love
Ok, Im not in love...
But its sunny, Ive met some nice smiling faces on the street, and Im drowsy as hell at work.
Almost like being in love.
Yes, its spring finally and no one has played any jokes on me yet (1st of April tradition in Sweden). Today will be an interesting day. Im suppose to gather material for a report while avoiding thoughts about laying on the grass reading a good book, soaking up sunlight and maybe playing some guitar - lets see if I succeed.
But its sunny, Ive met some nice smiling faces on the street, and Im drowsy as hell at work.
Almost like being in love.
Yes, its spring finally and no one has played any jokes on me yet (1st of April tradition in Sweden). Today will be an interesting day. Im suppose to gather material for a report while avoiding thoughts about laying on the grass reading a good book, soaking up sunlight and maybe playing some guitar - lets see if I succeed.