domingo, abril 03, 2005

Wheelman and Picknic

Today has been a beautiful day.
Pia, Laurent, Pascal, Sergio and I all went to Stora Skuggan for picknic, kubb (game), football and some frisbee playing. Alot of people were out, especially families with small children- playing and crying everywhere around us.

While playing football we heard the sound of a lawnmower, we thought. But it was a guy riding some kind of snowboard with wheels. He reached to answer his mobile when he suddenly fell on the grass. Nothing serious but it got our attention. Sergio asked what the machine was and if he could try it. 'Yes off course' was the answer 'its called the wheelman'. We had a great time watching Sergio trying to ride this strange machine - imported from Australia, we were told.
Its still sunny outside while im writing this. I guess I'll have a very hard time writing my thesis.
But summer is approaching...finally!!