martes, noviembre 14, 2006

Science Fiction Performed

Just got an invitation to yet another performance event by friends in Puerto Rico. Since I'm far away from Puerto Rico at the moment I wont be able to attend as usual. But I would like to share some of this bands photos and the atmosphere they create when performing live. Here are photos from one of their acts in Don Pablo in old San Juan. I'm including one of their flyers also. They are very science fiction oriented, where there performances are accompanied by movies and art exhibitions.

Photos and video Matotumba

miércoles, noviembre 08, 2006

2 x Halloween

It's been alot of halloween celebrating for me this year. The 31st is of course the usual date but then here in Sweden we have it one week later. So it's been two halloween parties -which has been great.

The first one (31st) I was dressed up as a decadent puritan at Carpe Noctem (Bonden) in Stockholm. On the second party (no pic) I was dressed as an inmate that had been beaten up (or something).

Hope everyone had a great halloween!
Photo taken by Sofia and Micke