viernes, diciembre 29, 2006

Post 101

Alright, it's been 100 postings in this blog, with this one being post 101. So how does it feel? Well, discomforting somehow. I started out blogging about my observations and thoughts, particularly things concering my student corridor and my friends. I guess I led readers into believing this was the main purpose of my blog. But a bit of social critique, ethnography, reviewing of bands, comics doodeling, writings in three different languages and blatant advertising of friends bands (including my own) amongst other things hasn't exactly been true to that purpose.

Looking at other blogs, particularly those in swedish, I've found that most of them seem to keep themselves to one particular subject or at least one way of writing - maybe to justify the blogs usefulness. In that sense I guess I have failed miserably. Theres never been such an inclination from my side. So here you have another thing I wanted to blog about:

A new DVD box of Jodorowsky's El Topo and The Holy Mountain (both remastered) is supposed to be available. Heres a link to this realease, showing at cinemas right now. I warn you, Jodorowsky is one very, very strange guy and his movies are very explicit. Theres a flash presentation of him and his work (quite graphical) when you follow the link. Now you know.


jueves, diciembre 14, 2006

Stuff I'm Working On

Been ranting about my music long enough now. No more talking, I'm posting a link to my own music in the sidebar of this blog. Check it out if you want to. The page is mainly a means of sharing my work with friends who also make music.

domingo, diciembre 10, 2006

Mate in Wintertime

Been a while since I posted anything on this blog. Been preoccupied with my own music where my stay with the band I played with has ended. There were obvious differences in musical preference and commitment - I guess I tried to hijack the band without really knowing it myself. Well, the result has been that I’ve focused more on my own music and the contacts I have in Puerto Rico and the US, but also in other parts of Europe.

Maybe I should explain the title of this post. It has nothing to do with music but much more to do with wintertime. This winter has been really strange so far weather wise. Sometimes it’s extremely cold, other times warmer and other times even very warm. Not much snow at all but as always the dark afternoons and the early nights. Already at 3pm it’s getting dark and it’s very depressing. One thing people usually do is to drink ample amounts of coffee or tea, besides eating allot more - I’m no exception.

Then I remembered yerba mate. That green tea from South America. I was introduced to it by Giovanna, my friend from brasil/argentina. I googled the name and found that its quite healthy, and I was drinking it alot during the summertime. Then I just stopped.

After drinking alot of espresso and brewed coffee during lunch and dinner time this last year I can say that I've felt sluggish and not at all good after the initial coffee kick has settled.

I don’t really know why I’m blogging about this tea - I guess I just wanted to share some thoughts on how to get through this depressing time without drinking something as unhealthy as espresso or brewed coffee.
