viernes, abril 01, 2005

Maybe I'll start recounting my own encounters

Friday Night, buhooooooo (suppose to be scary sound),
Just spoke to Don Pascólico, so I'll take my bottle of wine and show up at his place - alcobacken. Reto recounted a trip to Trondheim where he drank 90+% alcohol and before that managed to scare away a scizophrenic guy into the woods. Im Seriously thinking of blogging my own memories of similar encounters. But I have yet to meet a scizzo person. I will savour that moment as a milestone in my life - at the edge of sanity and hopefully back again, woo woo : )



Blogger andthenitwasme said...

Thank you! Who invented the BLOG!!
Now I can read everything about what my son is doing!!!
I thought you were going to Sweden to study??? I mean, Anthropology!!

7:00 a. m.  

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