viernes, julio 15, 2005


A planned trip to Barcelona is on the agenda at the moment.
Maybe I can use this blog to get some more suggestions/hints on visiting this famous city.

Feel free to post comments (tips, hints and suggestions).

As yet I have these interests (which may or may not be seen/accomplished):

La Sagrada Familia
The Dalí Museum in Figueres
Tibidabo -
hill with a glass lift that goes 115m (377ft) up
Costa Brava - the sea coast
Hiking - somewhere (still dont know where)
Barri Gòtic with its Catedrál - centre of old Barcelona
Gràcia -quarters with artists and intellectuals
La Pedrera - the quarry house of stone
Museu Picasso


domingo, julio 10, 2005

Sailing 2005

The weather has been awsome so I went out sailing with friends today. One of them is the owner of a very nice sailing boat and Ive been sailing with them before several times. We rounded the island of Runmarö in around 4 hours covering a distance of 22 Nautical Miles. Here are some pictures.

martes, julio 05, 2005


Patrick has left a 'musikstafett'(music chainletter) for me on his blog. Im answering in swedish.

1) Hur stor datamängd på din(a) dator(er) upptas av musikfiler? alt. Hur många cd- och vinylskivor äger du?

22 GB, dom flesta filerna i mp3 format. Många filer har jag aldrig lyssnat på (vill bli glatt överraskad).

2) Senast inhandlade skiva?

Hm, kommer inte riktigt ihåg. Kan ha varit Katatonia Brave Murder Day.

3) Senast spelade låt?

Tro det eller ej, Will Smith's summertime

4) Nämn fem skivor som betyder mycket för dig.

The Somberlain av Dissection
Turn Loose The Swans av My Dying Bride
Emperor Tomato Kethcup av Stereolab
Music for The Masses av Depeche Mode
Riot on An Empty Street av Kings of Convenience

5) Nämn tre låtar som inte finns med på skivorna ovan, men som betyder mycket för dig.

The World Has Turned and Left Me Here av Weezer
Je Ne T'Aime Plus av Manu Chao
Be Quiet And Drive av Deftones

6) Utse tre personer att skicka vidare frågorna till.

Bon Vivant, Fredrik, och Karina.