miércoles, mayo 30, 2007

Fifteen Again

I´m still at my parents place, not being able to avoid my friends any longer. I want some work done before leisure time.

It´s been strange to go back in time, being a 15 year old kid again. Finding how much our bodies remember - the trick of opening a special door, finding cheese in the fridge without looking or smelling for it, or where to best walk when outside.

Soon I´ll meet up with Orlando who is rehearsing at the moment.

At this time i´ll be dependent of my friends for transportation which sucks since I don´t dare use the Ford mercury. I haven't driven a car in quite some time, and that car is huge and menacing with all it´s faults.

People have separated, moved and found new jobs. Life has continued. But as soon as they hear my voice it´s like no time has passed at all. The health and well-being of our families is the first question asked. After that ´when do we meet?´. The warmheartedness, the concern for loved ones and for your well-being is something I like with my friends. It´s nice to be back.

lunes, mayo 28, 2007

In Puerto Rico

I'm in Puerto Rico.

This time I'll be blogging a lot more about this visit than previous ones, hopefully following up with posts, photos and maybe even video (2GB memory in my camera should do).

Blogging is an excellent way of taking down notes and documenting experiences.

Yesterday I was in Newark. Being in such an affluent society as the USA makes me uneasy sometimes. I like to distance myself from commodofication, unnecessary shopping and so forth. But the temptation was strong. At the airport you had so many bookshops. Imagine, in one of 3 terminals you had 2 Borders bookshops. I wouldn't miss passing by one while wandering around waiting for my connecting flight to San Juan, Puerto Rico. I love Borders!

What did hinder me instead was the inability to take out cash from any of the ATM machines that inhabited that airport. I only got a message saying 'Process canceled - Cannot reach your bank' . Had to pay my food with my VISA. So no spontaneous shopping from my part.

At my parents place I checked with my bank and they charged me for all the 5 times I tried to take out money and registered the transaction as confirmed. So almost 4000 Swedish crowns have been subtracted! I have called them, and they will investigate what has happened and promise I will get my money back. Luckily I have my emergency master card with me (I don't trust banks) so I guess I'm covered this time.

Alrighty, back to the trip. At the moment I'm in my parents place. Very happy its not so hot as it should be. I should call friends who are free today (its Memorial Day).
I suspect tonight people will gather in front of some TV to watch the traditional Miss Universe Contest - that Puerto Rico usually wins:)

Maybe I'll just take it easy and stay here watching the show with my parents, to catch up for all the other times I have missed it.

I just learned that our representative is called Uma Blasini. A 24 year old of 1,88 meters who was treated for thyroid cancer last year. She's very, very hot. Check her out here.

Hasta luego!

lunes, mayo 21, 2007


Nu är jag fast igen.

Det produceras extremt bra TV serier som The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, 24, My Name is Earl osv. men förr eller senare kryper en viss ångest in, ''jag sitter framför dumburken, lär mig inte ett smack och faller dessutom för ett klassiskt säljknep, TV:n är din vän".

Har nu tillbringat två dagar i sträck med att se alla missade avsnitt från säsong två av TV serien Rome. Under första säsongen tittade jag lite då och då. För knaggligt och långtradigt för min del tyckte jag tills att konflikten mellan Caesar och Pompey skruvades upp avsevärt.

Just nu leker jag med Rome, oftast till sent på kvällen. Romes mamma är schysst, vi får puckla på varandra, smutsa ner oss och till och med tafsa på varandra om vi har lust. Samtidigt lär jag mig en massa historia, leker med häftiga vapen och klär mig tidsenligt. Här råder ingen brist på saftiga intriger och hemligheter. Var vi än befinner oss finns något dolt, något hemligt som kan uppdagas mot en viss summa denarius eller ännu fler sesterius.

Rome har fler lekkamrater, bl.a. många av mina vänner. Över ölen pratar vi dels om TV serien men aldrig om våra personliga utflykter med vår lekkamrat. Vi är ju vuxna och får göra vad vi vill egentligen. Ändå sitter vi fastklistrade framför dumburken och äventyrar.


martes, mayo 08, 2007

Adventure of a Lifetime

I'm following my friend Giovannas blog with keen interest. Shes doing her MFS (Minor Field Study) in anthropology in Sierra Leone. Thats something I've always wanted to do.
There are some very nice photos and accounts of her journey. Check it out.

Giovi's corner of life adventures...