domingo, julio 10, 2005

Sailing 2005

The weather has been awsome so I went out sailing with friends today. One of them is the owner of a very nice sailing boat and Ive been sailing with them before several times. We rounded the island of Runmarö in around 4 hours covering a distance of 22 Nautical Miles. Here are some pictures.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Men, vilken tjusig bild!!!
båtbilerna är inte heller så pjåkiga..
Glad att du haft en fin dag!!

10:18 p. m.  
Blogger Annika A said...

Segling såg inte fel ut alls. Själv var jag ute i Gustavsberg på lördagen. Fiiint.

8:44 a. m.  

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