viernes, agosto 24, 2007

The Beauty of Hacks

I love hacks! With the Internet there's always a good chance you'll find one that saves your day. Usually they go against company regulations, manufacturer recommendations and require a bit of guts from your side - but how sweet it is to take that risk and then see things working afterwards (even if they don't work then at least you tried).

Today this simple but oh so useful hack made me very happy. If you have been struggling with a laptop or other device with a 7 pin s-video output accompanied by a meagre 3 inch adapter cable (thanks Dell!) that gives you a black and white image on your TV, then this hack will fix some sweet colour for you.

This is the geekiest post I could have posted on a Friday night, but what the heck now I can continue cutting wires and use them for other hacks - that's also entertaining.

sábado, agosto 18, 2007

Per Sarcasmus Ad Astra

Sarcasm: the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded.

- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

A prolonged use of sarcasm from my side will probably follow many years to come. Considering all the unnerving intrusions at work and sometimes in other places it's surprising I havent considered it's use earlier.

With gusto will I spread salt in the eyes of all arrogant bourgeoisie that pester me hence forth.

Lo and behold feckless people! there is an antidote to your pompous demeanor.


domingo, agosto 12, 2007


Pics of some trails I tried this weekend. The climbing went good (I reached the top) but the bouldering (last pic) was extremely hard which I will attempt again with a vengeance.

miércoles, agosto 08, 2007

Into the Wii Hours

From cutting vegetables, preparing dinner and setting up the wii... Lisa, Annika, Martin and Niklas playing until late in the night... livingroom transformed more and more into a virtual tennis court

lunes, agosto 06, 2007

Dirty Advertising

Finally a video by my friends Dávila 666.