Street Musician
If you walked Götgatsbacken yesterday night you might have heard me play guitar and sing. I had bumped into a lost friend who was playing on the street. Together with him was his new girlfriend from italy and a girl from germany, who was selling paintings besides him. While updating ourselves about the passed year he told me about his ex girlfriend who had been in a coma after a failed suicide attempt and how this last year had been a living hell for him.
He handed me a beer and asked if I wanted to play guitar with him. So there we were, two guys playing guitar and singing again - and it felt great!
It had been a while since I had performed for other people and I had missed it alot.
That night we sang and played music for hours and later used the money we had earned to buy beer and play some pool with friends we met that had been passing by and who had now joined us.
He handed me a beer and asked if I wanted to play guitar with him. So there we were, two guys playing guitar and singing again - and it felt great!
It had been a while since I had performed for other people and I had missed it alot.
That night we sang and played music for hours and later used the money we had earned to buy beer and play some pool with friends we met that had been passing by and who had now joined us.
Etiquetas: My thoughts