miércoles, octubre 04, 2006

The Band

I'm playing in a band again. This time it's serious. We have a gig coming up in two weeks with 20 songs in the repertoire - so its been alot of rehearsing lately. Three hours, two times per week, in a studio only 5 minutes south of downtown Stockholm. I like that we are all from different places - Sweden, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Italy and Kroatia. All of us settled in Sweden, not just visiting. Lets see how it works out.

BTW. Check out the all female death/blackmetal band Matriarch from Puerto Rico. Finally some women who kick serious metal ass!


Anonymous Anónimo said...

So... when and where's the gig! We're dying to know...

9:02 a. m.  
Blogger CAV said...

The 18th. It's a private party around 150 people. I'd invite you and friends buts its a company gig, some advertisement company in söder. When we play a normal gig i'll tell you:)

11:23 a. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Fair enough!

4:13 p. m.  

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