domingo, junio 12, 2005

Panopticum or Eyes of Laura

I promised myself not to blog anything of todays events, except Björns party but I must. Need to get this out of my system.

The day started with me checking what things I had to do for my studies and so on. Later Im on my way to take the buss heading towards the place where a big party will take part.

Suddenly the train Im riding slows down. It crawls into the next station and stops. 2 minutes pass, 5 minutes, then a voice is heard telling the passengers that the train in front of ours is experiencing difficulties and it may take some time for us to continue. I know I have to catch this buss in time, the next one will pass 2 hours later - which is far to late.

I manage go grab a citybuss to the train station where the next train is which will take me to the buss I need. When I arrive I see to my dismay that the arriving train is shutting down and a voice tells people to get out of the train - malfunction this time also!

Theres no way Ill make it. I decide to call the people holding the party and I tell them Im not coming.

Next incident, apart from Björns mini party (which i decided to go to to compensate the evening) is the trip to Stureplan. Björn has been talking about a place on stureplan all night and has finally convinced people to go. I join simply because a good friend is going. Stureplan is infamous for its snobby, tightass, show-off people, but I decide its ok this time (I hang around Söder to much anyways, a much cooler place).

Hm, this is where i should stop blogging. But no, Ill tell you exactly what I think - Stureplan sucks so hard!!! Waiting outside in a queue which at the beginning is straight but then starts breaking up. Where you see people shouting at the guards ''hey, its me you remember me bla bla bla...''. To make the story short: Some short-assed guys that have been trying to get passed me after the queue broke up from I-dont-know-what-*******-country tell me to move aside or they'll fight me or some stupid thing like that, are put down to earth (I tell them they are ridicolous if they want to fight in a queue - morons!), secondly ...
Ah forget point in recounting stupidities of moronic guys and girls. I just get so disgusted when I see people sink so low - pushing, elbowing eachother, and blowing smoke in eachothers faces - for what? I just wish they could see themselves, like from a security cameras viewpoint.

Back home, I need something different - far, far, away from the idiotic people I met tonight. I start looking at obscure webpages (from yet again).

Check this out, its a cool webpage featuring security cameras that you can control (just log in with the information you see on the page).



Blogger Annika A said...

Sounds like it sucked! Hope Medusa was fun. We lasted about 45 minutes shooting the shit with Felix, Mary and Carsten after you left Friday. Nice evening though!

10:46 a. m.  
Blogger CAV said...

I guess the rain contributed to peoples moronic behaviour. Its sad though, you see people who seem to be civilized behave no better than an outband of hyenas fighting each other for some rotten meat.

Medusa was ok, but Vampire Lounge rocked!!! We have to do that again:)

11:46 a. m.  

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