martes, noviembre 15, 2005

Late Night Sins

Its late. I have been trying to take it easy. Just reading something, not looking out the window at the grey, black smurk of a nightsky outside. Then suddenly, I get hungry as hell. It's that hunger that you know will not let you sleep, while trying to avoid eating since its too late.
What the heck, I go to the kitchen. There we have one of the germans sitting at the dinner table with his laptop and headphones. Yea, we are both escape artists. He is trying not to disturb his girlfriend (I guess) and Im trying not to be seen in the kitchen this late. He is trying to not look disturbed by my presence but fails miserably. Im trying not to exist right now - and I too fail miserably.
I get my food and leave only having to come back, since I forgot my apple juice. Bummer.
It starts again.
